Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mothers Day

Brothers, today is mothers day and I can't help but to think about my mother today. The Lord in all his creation knew that man would need the loving touch and gentleness early in our lives and He gave them that responsibility to fulfill. My mother taught me how to love as Christ loves, what the definition of unconditional love was before I even realized that is how I am to love too. She taught me what the true definition of self sacrifice, selflessnes, how to be compassionate, and to give of ones self in every definition for others; all the while expecting nothing in return. So many times we are pushed to have roll models like high powered CEOs, great athletes, coaches, and that's ok but if we are going to live as God created let us look at our mothers today and especially our holy mother Mary and try to love as they do.

Don't forget to call your mom today and not only wish her a happy mothers day but tell her what she does to be a great mom.

What is your most vivid memory of how your mother taught you to give of yourself for others?

1 comment:

  1. I have so many memories of things my mom did from pawning jewelry so we could have a Christmas full of presents, to working 3 jobs so we could go to the movies, or skiing, or out with friends. She wore old outdated cloths would forego buying makeup, so we could do the things we wanted. She would work a night shift and still wake up to make breakfast for us. She gave up any sort of career to follow my father in his military carreer. Even today as a grandmother she does not for herself but for her grandkids. Sometimes i fell that all she did was spoil us and now her grandkids but in her heart this is what she wants to do. And thats giving without expecting anything giving because she loves unconditionally. There are so many other examples but the one that stands out the most is that every time she prayed she prayed for her children, never for herself. I love you mom, and thanks for all the life lessions good and bad.
