Saturday, June 25, 2011

Faith without action is dead.

Have you ever met someone that says all the right things, seems very knowledgeable, and talks a good talk yet dosn't live that belief? It could be something as simple as executives in business saying they are going green yet fly in private jets to meetings, something as simple as stating you are very organized, yet your car looks like a bomb went off in it (not saying there is anything wrong with that) it's very easy to slip into this because our flesh naturally seeks approval of those in this world, and as I wrote in an earlier post we are to only serve one master.

There are so many examples in scripture where our Lord illustrates what's on the inside, in your heart is what really matters, not the exterior but the interior. Our actions reflect what our heart 'says' not what we claim we do or don't do.

This is even more important to highlight when one has children. Kids are like sponges and we all can think of a handful of funny or not so funny times where we hear or see our children do things and we realize they saw us say or do before. We are not perfect but we must live as we teach our children to, not only because our Lord requires us to but also because our children are sponges and will do what we do not nessesarely what we say. It's pretty tough for our kids to learn from us when we are doing and saying, and living the opposite of what we are teaching.

I'll leave you with a story that inspired me to write this. We were at Busch Gardens on fathers day weekend (2nd time this summer) and my kids were getting more comfortable on the rides and starting to go on bigger and faster rides. One lesson we have always taught our kids
is to not allow fear to rule over them, to pray for wisdom to see if a fear is guidance or Satan holding them back. So to the point of my story, I had to have said to Rylee early in the day to not allow her fears to hold her back 5 times and to get through them she must face them and the Spirit will guide her through them. So every time she overcame them she would get on the ride and after it would totally love it! She would want to go on that coaster over and over. Well she and Jack were unstoppable they wanted to go on everything. We get to the hurricane (this is a ride that includes a lot of spinning) those are the rides I didn't like... Great Rylee found the one type of ride I didn't like, I was "afraid" I would get sick. I told her no I didn't want to go on it. She looked at me and I could see the gears moving in her head. I know she was processing the fact that I was doing the opposite of what I was telling her all day and most of her life. So I got on the ride. And actually didn't get sick. I learned a valuable lesson that day, thank you Rylee

Again, it is easy to say something that sounds good, but where the rubber meets the road in our faith is our action.

Be blessed!

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