Sunday, October 30, 2011


It's been a while since my last post, I have so much to write I don't know where to start. Chronilogically seems the best way.

The Lord blessed us with a flawless delivery of our identical twin boys Matthew and Luke. So that gives us the first 4 gospels matthew mark Luke and john (jack). They are 10 weeks now and are growing fast. It's so amazing to see the Glory of God daily with them. There is something innocent, pure and holy about newborns and children in general.

It's pretty amazing the strength, wisdom, and peace the Holy Spirit gives you when you ask. I am more peacefull, tolerant, and free from anxiety now than I was when we had 1 child, now with 5, conventional wisdom would say we should be pulling our hair our. Which I do get a couple of times per day from people with whom I share we have 5 kids 2 of which are newborn twins. I love seeing the reaction when they ask if me and my wife are pulling our hairnout.... And i say no actually we are not. Some people think I am joking.

If you live every aspect of your life for Him, He will bless you, guide you and give you favor. Are you finding His blessings and glory in your life are are you always fighting to change it?

Many blessings,

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