Friday, December 2, 2011

Christian Warrior

I am starting this blog the day after we buried the remains of my beloved cousin Josh "Chachi" Corral, who was killed in action in Afghanistan. Chachi was a United Stated Marine. He enlisted in the Marine corp, and inspired 9 other people from his graduating class to enlist as well. Chachi was a 'super' marine, graduating 2 in his class. He led prayer groups with other Marines (im sure converting a few in his time there), and was a natural leader. After graduating he was deployed to Afghanistan. He volunteered to be a 'sweeper' which meant he was responsible for 'sweeping' or finding IED's before his fellow soldiers did, which is what ultimately took his life. He only wanted to protect is fellow soldiers always asking his mom to spread his request to continue the prayers NOT for him but for the other marines and their families.
As I reflect and pray on my memories of Chachi, what I've seen and what I have heard since I got to Danville earlier this week, I came to realize very quickly that Chachi lived as the man God created him to be and all of us to be. His death has united communities, family's, healed past severed relationships, and given us hope. I always knew there was something special about Chach, he spent his life here serving God and serving others, the Lords 2 most important commands. Josh was a worrior, not just as a soldier but as a follower and servant of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Chachi has inspired me and I want to live like he did, as a Christian warrior. His death has inspired so many people to live as he did, totally surrendering himself to His will and serving every person who came into his life. Chachi gave his life so you and I may live freely in the greatest nation in the world, we all must show him, show ourselves, and show the Lord that we can take up our cross and live of the sprit and not of the flesh just as Chachi did. will we fall? Will it be hard? Yes but that's what living like a Christian Worrior means, it means getting back up knowing we have His greatest Gift to us- Grace. Grace to fail, grace to stumble, Grace to be with him and continue His mission.
If you are reading this and have not given your life to Christ I humbly invite you to do so, its easy just tell him you want him, you want him to dwell within you, confess your sins to him and ask him to give you the strengh to follow him, then begin living for him, praying to him, taking to him, asking him to show you what to do. Or if you have already accepted him but you have been led astray; come back. It is never too late nothing you could have done or could've said is too bad, to big or too sinful that he will not take you in or take you back. You just have to ask, surrender your live to him and ask for forgiveness. If you are catholic to to confession, examine your concious and God will take all that off you. Jesus says where your burdens are heavy my yolk is light.
I started this blog with the title living as the men God created you to be, but this is for ALL His people. I made a promise to Chachi, myself and God that with His strength, wisdom, discernment and by the power of the Holy Spirit we can all grow Gods kingdom so in the end we all can hear well done my good and faithful servant.
God Speed to the Corral family, God Speed to you and may God Bless you.

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