Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Who do you serve?

How do you answer this question? We have 2 options; God or mammon. "No one can serve two masters. He will either love one and hate the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon." Mt 6:24. The term Mammon describes, love of money, material things, excessive greed or pursuit of things that are of this world.

As men we are competitive, driven, and always looking to become "successful." We must be wise not to put all our efforts to obtain money, get promoted, obtain material things to showcase and define success above the love and efforts we have for God. We must pray for the wisdom and discernment to see the will of God and what He wants us to do. we do this and we will see the abundance of fruit which is promised in scripture. In JN 15 1-8 Jesus says He is the vine and we are the branches He is in us as we are in him; anyone in him will bear much fruit. he says if you remain in him and his word in you, you can ask for whatever you want and he will give it to you.

So we get back to what you serve. If we look at yesterday and ask ourselves,"what did we do for God? What did we give Him? What self denial did we perform and did we look to
Him for strength? Can we say we gave more effort for Him or did we put more effort obtaining mammon? We cannot live for both God and mammon, so who do you serve?

1 comment:

  1. Easy things to do during the day to serve God
    . Give your first hour in the morning to him
    Read the bible, book, daily devotional (with your wife even better), read this blog :)
    . During your day before you need to make decisions pray
    . Pray when something good happens
    . Pray when something bad happens
    . Pray just because... Talk with God
    . If you can attend daily mass.

    What are some other ideas?
